Like I'm being gutted
I gave birth to my precious baby boy. He acknowledges everyone except me. He refuses to let me know what I did wrong. I ask and ask and ask and ask and ask and ask.....
Labels: #katethomas #georgeschubert
Dreams we sometimes have never make it to the point of reality....
I gave birth to my precious baby boy. He acknowledges everyone except me. He refuses to let me know what I did wrong. I ask and ask and ask and ask and ask and ask.....
Labels: #katethomas #georgeschubert
I can't really say what I do for my current job. I still work as a nurse. I work in home care. In this environment I get to observe family dynamics. On this assignment it's, for the most part, stressful. What I see is incredibly dysfunctional.
At times I find my ptsd being triggered. Yet, it's far less stressful than facility nursing.
You would think that this would be an easy question to answer. Yet, it's been so long since I've thought about what my needs are without considering them to be selfish. A vacation. Gifts given without feeling like I'm causing guilt. The truth exposed, discussed and resolved without any anger directed at me for exposing it. I'm open to ideas.
They don't exist I only exist in response to the fires that call me... the times that are idle are confusing to me "it's been awhile since I've been...." I'm confused that I'm not being accused of something... usually it's because I've fucked something up.... I figure that it's probably why he keeps his ex's as friends... or possible back ups.... I see it in his eyes... I'm lacking....
A friend of mine has progressed into being bipolar that she has no memory of the fact of individualism. Singularity among individuals. She totally lacks a sense that people that she wants to remain her friends have lives and proclivities that DONOT involve her. Especially since most of her friends have spend the last three years telling her advice that she refuses to follow.
Shit Shit Shit. I'm worthless as far as being a human. I'm all the worst qualities in a girlfriend. Then I wonder why he doesn't want to fuck. Tonight wine. Tommorow......
One of about a thousand flaws I have is that I know that I need to guard myself against being used up until I am completely empty. Do I ever bother to guard myself? fuck no. It's just to easy to answer the phone, or say yes.... I need protective custody, lmao!!
I totally know I can rock this soooooo much better!!!
So, I'm doing ok With the whole being friends with Eric thing. He hasn't shut me out entirely and that's good!
I want to thank everyone for all the prayers and support for my family and I. My wonderful Mother passed away at 8:30 this morning. She was a loving and giving woman and I miss her.
Such sweetness tempered with unbridled
So I'm pretty much just hanging out this weekend. Went to my Mom's house yesterday to help clear out junk. Took two truck loads to my brother's house for the town clean up week. We sat in his kitchen and drank beer while we watched people drive up and take crap off of the curb.
I have to censor myself so much that this sentence will be the entire entry of my blog. Fuck Fuck Fuck, lol
Labels: fucking stalkers
Your kisses prompt my desires
self improvement
Did you even fucking read what was written?
Poking my head in to read some entries that are highlighted in my 'feed'.
Filling out applications for agency work. I hope it works out for a bit of extra income. That would be mighty nice.
Grandpa is still hanging in there. He hasn't had any further episodes of scary stuff. He did poke himself in the eye with his O2 canula and has a dandy little hematoma on the white of his right eye, OD in nurse lingo.
Went to visit my Mom a couple weeks ago, she's not doing so great. Lots of issues. Will have them the rest of her life. Very disheartening, but none of us get out of this alive, right?
I have a picture of her about a year ago and of me and her this last visit... very drastic change even for an elderly woman.
We've also been having lots of activity in the lambing department. Right now I'm trying to upload a video of the little premie lambs we had on Saturday. Shorty and Hercules. Ernie has been religiously bottle feeding Hercules as he hadn't been able to really nurse from the ewe because he was pretty weak to start. He maybe nursing now, when I tried to give him a bottle yesterday he only took a couple of sucks and turned his head away. little knuckle
Ok, apparently there's a problem uploading the lamb video. I have a link for youtube, so I'll try to embed it here...
Random update...
I'm bound to roll over you~
A belated Merry Christmas, Happy Hannakah, Happy Kwanzaa and winter solstice to ya' all.
Still hanging in there, not feeling much like writing about anything. Tough to write when there isn't a lot going on. I mean I could copy and paste my daily routine here but I'd want to hang myself seeing just how blah that is. lol
This past year I've come to terms with some of what God wants for me, and I'm pretty sure it means staying put where I am at home for the time being. This past year I've had my baby turn 18. I know there are people reading this that have been through it , it's just wierd. And she wasn't home for it. She was in the Army doing all sorts of cool academic stuff in a classroom. She has not been diminished at all in her amazingness to me. I don't think our kids do lose any of that which makes us amaze at them. On so many levels which brings me next to my boys.... :smilie where you cover your eyes and shake your head:
Most of the time I am very proud of them and thier ability to learn how to take part in tasks around our small farm. That is very cool. As I watch them learn to drive a tractor or a farm truck it takes me back to when I was there age. We never got to do cool stuff like that!! We were off sneaking ciggies with our allowance. (you used to be able to just buy them) But now my son Chase will be 16 next November. Holy Cow! Time to really get him used to behind the wheel driving! I hope they are both better drivers than I am, lol.
Chase has continued to surpass any sort of expectations that any of us have for him. He will be going to learn masonry and construction next year. He is very good with physical work. He needs to lose the weight (don't we all) but I think that can be dealt with at his age still. His grades are really good for a boy with a form of autism that is mainstreamed for the most part. Yeah!
George needs to remember that all assignments are important, not just the ones he views to have significance. He isn't failing anything but with his insight and wit he could be doing much better. He is due to become a member of the church this year when he finishes his Communion class. There are other things involved too, but it's different than mine was. This is UCC and I grew up Presbyterian. He has been required to participate in functions that the church has like dinners, breakfasts, the local fair, etc... That's something I need to get on board with is getting community service situations set up for him. He's also looking forward to the start of baseball season again. He has started his own batting practice and playing catch with Dad.
GrandPa still holds his own. Good days and bad days. His bad days are nothing like those of others I've seen when I was working in the nursing home but he is weaker for sure as compared to a year ago. Wash, rinse, repeat...
I wanted to tell you about Ebates, a shopping site that gives you up to 26% Cash Back every time you shop online. You can shop at over 1000 stores including Barnes &, Gap, Target, and Expedia. Plus you get additional savings with exclusive coupons, free shipping offers, and limited-time sales!
Labels: Please read this, shameless self promotion, spam
I'm going to try and figure out how to put a button on this blog. They are both really great blogs.
My dog Otis has a confession to make.
He's a fetch-a-holic. Absolutely insatiable!! He started out with a fake rabbit once a day. He's now up to several raw hide knot toys, a talking pumba toy and a loofah toy. He's very shameless about the whole thing too! Not only does he force his Mommy to take part in his obsession, but there's Father, Chase and George too. He even attempts to draw my FIL into his sick little ritual. Even with the alzheimer's, at times my FIL just can't resist that puppy's charms! (Hey, that's a good name for a kids cereal, Puppy Charms...) Our older dog Pinky just thinks he's being especially undignified and refuses at all to participate. I think she's been paling around with the cats too much.
I have to confess, I LIKE IT TOO!!!
He's funny about it, very chatty. It almost sounds like he's saying Mamamama me oh!
In other news...
I sang my first solo in choir yesterday. Golly was I scared! I thought I sounded way off key and my timing sucked. But people told me, whether they were being nice or not , that I did good and have a very lovely voice. George said I should just stick to background singing. "You're just not a solo singer Mom." lol I had trouble, I think, because I don't read music and do it all by ear. Some of the notes were 'triplets' and I'd not had but 3 or 4 run throughs. The director is not big on rehearsing songs over and over. Not sure why. Maybe he wants us to stay fresh? A few of us loudly declare that we need more rehearsal time before performing some songs. Whatever. I got my first solo out of the way, lol, not sure if there will be another but I'm game if he asks if I want to do it.
Since I have nothing constructive to say regarding the debate, only that McCain wiped the floor with Obama, I'll just post this quiz result I just took and you can let me know if you think it's accurate based on what you know of me.
Your result for The Best Thing About You Test...
Honesty is your greatest virtue.
Honesty is the human quality of communicating and acting truthfully. This includes listening, and any action in the human repertoire — as well as speaking. And you? You cannot tell a lie. Both loved ones and strangers should trust you, because you won't (1) lie, (2) lie via omission, or (3) sit there and let lies be told. (Can you even let a sleeping dog lie?) All 7 virtues are a part of you, but your honesty runs deepest.
Your biggest risk is hurting the feelings of your most sensitive friends. However, most appreciate you for your candor.
Honest famous person: George Washington, if you believe the propaganda.
Your raw relative scores follow. 0% is low, and 100% is perfect, nearly impossible. Note that I pitted the virtues against each other, so in some way these are relative scores. It's impossible to score high on all of them, and a low score on one is just relatively low compared to the other virtues.
60% Compassion
44% Intelligence
50% Humility
67% Honesty
25% Discipline
43% Courage
42% Passion
Blah. I'm getting a cold. My sinuses are aching and my nose is running. Other than that nothing is really new here.
Went to our church's Oktoberfest yesterday. We all had fun. They had great food and an awesome German band, The Adlers. I took some pictures of the festivities. I need to edit and upload. I guess I shouldn't grouse too much, it's not like I have to develop film and print them like I used to do long ago. Chase won a little carp in a game and a giant teddy bear for playing darts. He was pretty happy about that. George even had a good time. He's been such a little curmudgeon lately I was glad to see him having fun.
I also baked a cake for thier apple dessert table and made a basket for the basket raffle. It was filled with car care stuff. The cake was really good, if I do say so myself!
That's about it as far as happenings here, hoping to get a letter from Emma. I dreamt I did. Miss her like crazy.
Have a great day, be well and God bless!
Labels: एम्मा, ओक्तोबेर्फेस्ट, कोल्ड
I might try to rediscover blogger. I dunno, we'll see.
Ernie and I decided that while he is working full time. I would go back to staying at home with FIL until we place him in the nursing home probably sometime after Christmas. He has benefits at this job and the one month of benefits my last job paid for will cover the gap until his kick in. Which is a incredible load off my mind! I'll probably go to work for an agency after his Dad is placed. Part-time, TYVM!!
I wanted to wish everyone a Happy New Year!
I'm kind of in a dark mood, no need to go into details. Everyone has thier things that send them spinning towards the dark side of thier spirit.
I'm supposed to be talking to someone about an distance learning program for my RN. I don't even want to talk to them but they're on thier way here and I suppose I need to at least ask what's entailed and what it will cost me. I'm not committing to anything at this point. I just want to juggle some figures around and compare and contrast. If I don't like the idea, I'll toss the fellow out on his fanny. Or I'll force him to sit and chat with my FIL while I go upstairs and go to bed. Not sure what kind of squeeze I'll be getting put on me to sign up for this deal or how difficult it will be to get the twit to leave. I've had some past experiences with sales people. It's gotten ugly, lol.
It's both about the earning power and the chance to have different clinical experiences. Or at least to be able to say I have a choice in staying where I am working instead of feeling that I have no other choice but to stay in my current position because of the initials at the end of my name. KWIM?
Hugs and a spiritual night light....
I found this cool picture puzzle while exploring the google extras. I hope I can attach it here without my browser crashing like it did the last time I tried, lol.
My very favorite tea right now is Celestial Seasonings Cinnamon Apple Spice. It is great hot and is awesome iced, I don't even use a sweetener with it. It's that good!! Just had to share, lol
I am so fed up with the amount of control that insurance companies have over the availablity of prescriptions. I have been taking lexapro for over 2 years now....suddenly I have to have a prior authorization from my Dr. in order to have my script filled through my newest (and not in my good graces) prescription plan. I have to go through the mail in order to get 3 months worth of the lexapro for one co-pay. If I go through CVS pharmacy I can only get 2 weeks supply at a time but still have to pay my copay for each refill. Easier and cheaper to do it by mail. If you live in a world where the galactically stupid don't rule. I want to have a face to face with the fecking moron that came up with the rule that I have to try another drug first before I will be allowed to get the lexapro. I'd slap the shit out of them....grrrrrr!!!!!!
A new day so I'm making a new entry.
Today seems as good a day as any to update on my blogger.
So today I have a bit of time to update on my blogger. I went grocery shopping today and found some Kashi frozen dinners to have at work. Yay. I balanced that out with a nutritious snickers bar that was an impulse purchase at the check out. Right now I am listenting to my son interact with his GrandFather. His Grand Father is irritating as all get out at times because of his Alzheimer's, stares at you or says odd things or tidies up notes that your loved ones leave you. *sigh* Till next time....
Most important of all, continue to show deep love for each other, for love covers a multitude of sins.
1 Peter 4:8
Today it's my hope that the folks that I go to church with have checked in our UCC homepage and noticed this daily verse. Today it's my hope that they stop fighting to be 'right' or 'in charge' Because you know what? None of you are right and none of you as humans (or 'man') are in charge, especially not of the Church. Today it's my hope that the 'real' takes over and makes us all realize that we can't market our church to be something that will be palatable to all. It isn't going to happen and in doing so you are taking your eyes off of that which is of greatest importance to a Christian. Worshiping and glorifying the Lord. Today it's my hope that all of us realize that we are called to be 'Christlike' in the things we do and say, our attitude towards the serving of others that need us. Not that we are waiting for someone to come and do it for us. We need to be still and know that God is waiting and watching for us to hold our selves out and open for him to enter us and to allow us to be existing for Him. We can't expect someone to be hired and come to our congregation and tell us how we can fix our own problems. We also can't expect money to be the driving force for our existence as a church. That's where I've seen it go bad and in a big hurry. Don't let your church become nothing more than a painted whore. It's wrong and it's not going to expand the congregation. If nothing else, it will drive people away. If things keep along this pathway, I anticipate that God will knock us off our feet and on our butts. And keep doing so until we get back on the track that we belong on.
Show love for each other, be gentle with each other. {{{{hugs}}}}
"Hookahs also known as nargila or shisha are used for smoking flavored tobacco as well as opium and hashish and marijuana. Hookahs are legal for smoking tobacco."
I didn't realize that they still produced Hookahs. As the quote above says they can be used for smoking flavored tobaccos. If you are not one for using Opium, Hashish or marijuana. I imagine that by using a hookah with it's water filtering capabilities that you could also use herbal remedies such as those for respiratory illnesses. This link takes you to a site that shows all sorts of accessories and tobaccos. Hookahs Plus they are really beautiful pieces of art just to have on a shelf, definitely a conversation starter!!
Today I was thinking about conversations that were had at work last night. I realized that a lot of what I expect from the world was formed in my childhood. I know what a ground breaking theory!
Kiss my ass, screw you, all bets are off!!
After a night of taking care to make sure that my work was done, so I wasn't leaving anything for another shift to pick up it still isn't good enough. I tape my report and pass on all the information from the 3-11 shift as it has been relayed to me. If I didn't understand something they told me I took the time to look it up in the patient's chart or to actually go and see the patient themself.
Why is it that I have to have someone quiz me about the type of bed a man now has? God Golly Miss Molly, instead of sitting there on your fat ass in the report room, get up and GO LOOK!! To me, it really didn't matter. I kept him from falling out of it, made sure that he was medicated as ordered, kept safe and got dressing changes also. I said I didn't know the type of bed. So then she says to herself in a snotty tone as she writes this down on her paper. "we don't know what kind of bed he has..." I really dislike the woman. If she has to extend herself a bit more than need be she gets in a fluster. I find it difficult to believe that she was once an ER nurse.
I had the entire unit to take care of. Meds, Treatments, charting and any unexpected incidents that may come my way. And she's having a shit fit because I don't know what type of bed he's in. Eat shit and bark at the moon lady. I've got bigger fish to fry...
Have a nice day y'all!
Taking pictures of stuff to sell on eBay. Finished knitting a couple things.
The sheep were eating my asparagus in my garden. Had to chase the lumpkins away, lol.
It's cold and grey here. I keep telling myself it's only a few months until spring.
I have tonight off, will catch up on my sleep.
Had to go to court over the accident I had in June. The State Trooper asked me to testify on his behalf. The girl I hit lost and got 3 points on her license. I got my deductable back from my insurance company. About time!
I sat with them waiting for the case to be called. They didn't know who I was. I listened to them call me an idiot and a bad driver for 45 minutes. The look on thier faces when they realized who I was.....priceless, lol!
My daughter will be turning 15 next month, my beautiful autistic son will be 12. *sigh* where does the time go?
my principles and I
The sun is shining but I feel no warmth
Taking some time to revisit some old haunts.
In 1963 (the year you were born) |
Lyndon B. Johnson becomes president of the US The atomic powered submarine, Thresher, sinks in the North Atlantic killing 129 A civil rights rally held by 200,000 blacks and whites, features Dr. Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream" speech President John F. Kennedy is assassinated as he rides in a motorcade through downtown Dallas Betty Friedan publishes The Feminine Mystique, launching a middle-class feminist movement Michael Jordan, Quentin Tarantino, Conan O'Brien, Johnny Depp, and Brad Pitt are born Los Angeles Dodgers win the World Series Chicago Bears win the NFL championship Toronto Maple Leafs win the Stanley Cup The Beatles receive their first #1 hit single, when "Please Please Me" tops the charts in the UK Astroboy (known as Mighty Atom in Japanese) Japan's first ever anime was launched NBC expands its evening network news program to 30 minutes The television remote control is authorized by the FCC |
Your Love Number is |
1 You tend to be a stubborn lover, holding your ground in every argument You take your time falling in love. You aren't the type to lose perspective. You are loyal (to a fault), and you require the same loyalty in your sweetheart. At your best, you are a wise and inspiring partner - who sticks around. |
Hmmm, maybe this means I'm a stubborn pain in the ass? lol
Figured I'd check in and see how blogger is working these days. I have another blog, but, think I will use this one for bitching about work. The little snots found my other blog and had a holy freaking fit because they read my opinion of them. My co-workers that is. Didn't mention any names, but I guess if the shoes fit, they are pretty likely to kick you in the ass. Ha!
I was about to start this off with a string of profanity, but decided against it.
It's been quite a while since I blogged on here. Since then I've had a few offers to include my blog in a registry for several different headings, childrens health and spirituality/dreams.
I think that sometimes folks get upset because others won't be pushed into saying that they agree with something that they infact do not.
About a boy.....
Just what in the hell goes on in some peoples minds? I could give a rats ass if someone 'back talks' me.
Egads, I am a freak!!!
Disorder | Rating |
Paranoid: | Very High |
Schizoid: | Moderate |
Schizotypal: | High |
Antisocial: | High |
Borderline: | Very High |
Histrionic: | High |
Narcissistic: | Moderate |
Avoidant: | Very High |
Dependent: | Low |
Obsessive-Compulsive: | High |
-- Click Here To Take The Test -- |
Autism milk link
Poor Chases's Hamster died last night. It lived very happily in a cage downstairs until yesterday when it got really cool downstairs. It got to no more that 50 degrees and then went into hibernation. Emma brought it upstairs to me all in tears because it was limp, cold and non responsive. So I held it and did very gentle cpr on it and blew into it's snout, it began to move a bit on it's own but mostly spastic movements suggestive of brain damage to all but the medulla oblongata. Chase was sooooo upset, he was like, "Mommy I need you to lay down in your bed with me..." Of course I did, and kept the hamster warm on my tummy. It was still having shallow sporatic respirations.
I had an horrible dream last night, I dreamt that we were sitting on a lawn in Massachusetts and to the left of us I could see a tiger walking down a path behind some shrubs. Ernie and I freaked out and were telling the kids,'lie down, lie down flat', but Chase wouldn't listen and instead freaked out and started flapping and screaming so the tiger came and took a big swipe at him with his paws. The next thing I know is that I'm being told that I have to put Chase out of his misery with a big kitchen knife through his heart. I was screaming and crying no no no and got forced to do it, then Ernie woke me up a bit because I was crying and kicking in my sleep, but I went back to sleep and in the dream I was hugging Chase and looking at him and each time I hugged him and then looked at him his wounds were smaller, until he only had a little cut on his tummy that I could put a bandaid on and he was ok. We were all hugging him and smiling and happy because he was ok, then it turned out that he wasn't really hurt at all but it was my truck that got clawed by the tiger and we had run it over. I remember putting a tattoo bandaid on my truck.
Weasle3's blog Sunday, August 12, 2001
Sue's Bloggy Blog - Welcome to my Blog House If you wanna have it, chances are a little presentation by a visually embarrassed gym teacher isn't going to stop you.
I am 33% Tortured Artist
I am 65% Punk Rock
Nothing like reading something that upsets you to the point of distraction and having no way of helping, contacting or anything. That just plain sucks. What is going on? Where are you? why are you doing this game of invite me in and then leave without saying good-bye? Shit this sucks.
5 Songs I always crank up on the radio and sing along to:
Ok, so I should have a comment feature on here for the time being. Cool. Cross your fingers that this will be the last time I have to update the muther,lol! Hugs!
Damn Xanga, so here I am without a comment feature. But I'll post anyways. It can be nice and private since there isn't anyone reading my blogspot anyhow. Still alive and well here much to the disappointment of some. Summer is here and we have been having fun with the kids, going places and helping them to continue the learning process through out thier hiatus from school. Then when they return they will have to get back in the habit of learning in a herd. I always hated school because of the overwhelming feeling of isolation that I experienced. Being the poor kid from a poor family that noone wanted to interact with. The one that other kids were nice to during Lent to make points with thier demi-god pope person.
Got some good news regarding Chase from his special ed teacher,she said that he scored in the 90's on his math assessment, they think that perhaps next year he won't need to be in a separate math class, Yippee! Pretty great for a boy classified as autistic huh?
Just wanted to make an aside here and give credit where credit is due for the swirly background. LaLa Graphics made it and I don't have a current link to use so I'll let you all know with an entry. Have a great day!!
Well, I changed my template. I've also taken out the part of the html coding that was giving me the error each time I viewed this page. It's just that now I'm without a comment feature. Anyhelp from any readers out there would be truly appreciated.
weasle3's Xanga Site We went to see Dinosaurs Alive II yesterday. It was really neat. Especially the T-Rex. My husband went back to gaze at it 3 times. My son Chase was freaked out by it so I took him to dig in the fossil pit they had. He also enjoyed weighing the dinosaur dolls that were in another area. That is something that Chase enjoys lately. Weighing things on my egg scale. This is a scale that grades eggs into medium,large,extralarge and so forth. He also enjoys weighing things on my antique kitchen scale. He will tell me and anyone else that will listen about what weighs more than this,that and the other thing. Cracks me up that something like that can give him such joy. And his joy is contagious. Isn't that too cool?? - Dealing with autism -- every day - February 24, 2002 Dealing with autism -- every day
WebMD - Autistic Brain Structure Is Different Autistic Brain Structure Is Different
An Autistic Artist An Autistic Artist--this is a pretty interesting article. It's short but it makes a very valid point that Autistic children are often relegated to the ranks of the mentally retarded which they are anything but. I hope that you check it out and keep it in mind when you see someone that might have a difference about them in the way they communicate or cannot communicate.
The Castaway Quiz deems me: |
![]() |
You radiate wholesome goodness. This drives men wild. Sure Ginger may get all the attention at first, but in the end, it's you they really want. |
Keirsey Temperament Sorter * Your Keirsey Temperament is: Guardian (SJ)
Ok,ok, so I guess I should be writing more, but you know, I don't always feel like it. I do come and visit xanga with every intention of making some sort of grand entry and pfffft! Nada, zilch. My creative processes suck, they be in need of a wonder bra of sorts.
Geez, it's been a while since I blogged on here. I am going to make it one of my New Year's resolutions to keep this blog for my life with my Asperger's son, like when I started. Though I strayed QUITE A BIT this past year.......Like now, lol!!
Happy Birthday Jesus!
BBC News | HEALTH | Autism misdiagnosis 'ruined a life' Autism misdiagnosis 'ruined a life' This is soooo sad. I'm glad that my son has had his diagnosis and isn't just being treated as if he is 'disturbed'
BBC News | A-B | Asperger's syndrome Asperger's syndrome. Yet another link. I hope that someone reads, learns and becomes less judgemental because of someone else's appearing to be cool and aloof.
WebMD/Lycos - Article - Asperger's disorder Asperger's disorder--This is what my son Chase has. Makes him a very interesting little boy! I love him.
Here is a question:
I think this picture about sums up my feelings on the whole Santa conspiracy, lol!!
Me singing I took a nice traditional Hebrew song and ruined it,lol!
I hate my childrens teachers.
Once again it's time for the best of Weasle3's blog (aka I'm too lazy to think of anything new to write today.