Saturday, October 28, 2000

Friday, October 27, 2000

I just wanted to thank fellow bloggers Laura S and Erica (purpleturtle) for passing along an awesome book title relating to Asperger's Syndrome. I am always interested in reading about Autism and it's related spectrum of disorders. Did you know that ADHD is considered to be in the Autism Spectrum of Disorders? Pretty mind blowing for me when I first read that! Any how, I guess I'll go and watch the tape I made last night, as I fell asleep while it was on. lol!

BTW, my email addy is J

Thursday, October 26, 2000

I am too frigging thrilled that I figured out how to use these really awesome graphics from lalagraphics! Thanks Laura! Now I'll be all over this blog with graphics, lol.

Here I am with my daughter Emma and our cat skittles.

Just found out that ABC is going to air a segment tonight on Prime Time Live about the disability that my son has called Asperger's Syndrome. I am really interested in seeing how they present it and am definitely going to tape it. Probably on both VCR's so I can have a copy to give my ever lovin' Mom.

Wednesday, October 25, 2000

Don't know if I did this right, but Hey, I thought I would give it a try!

So anyways, I guess I'll just say that I like to research site relating to Autism and Asperger's Syndrome. Really interesting neurological disorders. My son was diagnosed as having Asperger's last May. So we spend a lot of time desensitizing him to life. And so that's a newsy bit, huh?

So, Here I am at my very own blog. I suck at webdesign so you're stuck with whatever defaults are here. Enjoy! I have been lurking around message boards and reading other blogs and really like what I see. Not trying to copy or seem unoriginal or what ever!

I have 3 kids, my husband and I have been married almost 18 years. read on and from time to time you'll actually read more about me. My friend Laura (lalablog) turned me on to this inadvertantly. I have read other blogs too and have liked them. I like Walking Bitch's White Trash Diner a lot too. I'd have stolen that title had it not been taken already.