Here's excitement......I have someone from the Dept. of Justice checking on my blog. Incase you are checking in on me again soon, I have to say that you are doing a great job, keep up the good work!!! And a personal Hello to Ernie's cousin who happens to be a DEA agent. or perhaps he's retired, not sure. We don't get real frequent updates from that wing of his family. Too bad, they are really great folks.
Weasle3's blog
Dreams we sometimes have never make it to the point of reality....
Friday, October 12, 2001
James's Xanga Site "The challenges I face are ultimately internal. They may originate in outer circumstances, but how I receive them and choose to respond to them is what, for me, is important."
I could not agree more with this. It is our choice of reaction to a situation that colors whether we survive it or not. Emotionally, I'm not speaking of a physical threat, there we need to kick ass, heh!