Weasle3's blog
Dreams we sometimes have never make it to the point of reality....
Wednesday, December 19, 2001
Tuesday, December 18, 2001
BBC News | HEALTH | Autism misdiagnosis 'ruined a life' Autism misdiagnosis 'ruined a life' This is soooo sad. I'm glad that my son has had his diagnosis and isn't just being treated as if he is 'disturbed'
BBC News | A-B | Asperger's syndrome Asperger's syndrome. Yet another link. I hope that someone reads, learns and becomes less judgemental because of someone else's appearing to be cool and aloof.
WebMD/Lycos - Article - Asperger's disorder Asperger's disorder--This is what my son Chase has. Makes him a very interesting little boy! I love him.