Wednesday, September 19, 2001

I read this entry on a message board that I post on. My heart is breaking for him. Please,please, please pray your hearts out for this little boy.....

"my friend, one of my daycare moms had a pretty horrible experience last week. She was driving, and there was a little boy on the side of the road, crying, waving at trucks etc. No one was stopping. She stopped, and tried to find out what was going on. He started talking about his daddy being dead, I shouldn't have pushed the button, my daddy's dead, he had blood etc. She phoned the police who came, and the little boy was able to show them where he was from. He didn't know the address. Turns out he was with his dad and the dad was working on some machinery, had something heavy up on chains, and the kid pushed the release button. Crushed his father's head. Dad died. The police got there, just as the man's boss came back from the store. Little boy still saying things like "he told me not to push the button, I shouldn't have pushed the button." He could tell them all about how it happened. Dad had just gotten custody, mom is in drug rehab.
I can't get this little boy out of my head, and heart. There was no report in the paper, except for the obit. As it turns out the little guy goes to my daughter's school. My principal was saying that there is already a huge custody battle between the relatives. I hope they work it out. At least he has family who cares about him. I can't help thinking about all the problems and therapy this child will need to deal with this."

not martha random project This is a neat blog I discovered, she surfs the internet for different craft sites and make ityourself sites and reviews them on her blog. I found a cool Sunday school craft site through it. Check her out, she's definitely worth the read!

Monday, September 17, 2001

Gosh, what to say, what to say.....
Was thinking about my Father today as I was driving. I saw a car that was readying to pull out of the post office driveway, I let the man go and he tipped his hat to me. I thought about how that so seldom happens anymore, how it is something from an almost gone generation. Then I thought of my Dad who is gone. How I used to get rides from him as a kid and young adult. About how oddly comforting it was to watch him drive as he was never so sure of himself and calm as then. I see older gentleman and they remind me of my Father and then I am sad.