Monday, September 15, 2008

I might try to rediscover blogger. I dunno, we'll see.

We had a nice weekend here. I got caught up on stuff around the house, went and ran some farm errands. That was kinda fun because I got to do some physical work and it felt good to be more useful than normal.

Ernie is setting up a little garden area up by the sign we have at the top of the drive way with our name and house number on it. We have mums to put up there and I also have some bulbs to plant. It'll look nice now instead of kind of scrubby.

The boys helped out at the church breakfast being servers and washing dishes. I was told that they were actually helpful. lol. They must have been because if these folks can't say anything nice, they don't say anything at all. I had a proud moment then.

So, everyone have a nice day. Be good to each other and remember it won't matter in a hundred years what happens today.


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