Friday, March 16, 2001

BitchKittyBloggin Just read this blog and have to say "RIGHT ON!!!" I love to read people speaking thier minds!

So, even my own chickens come to harass me when I am online. This is a picture of the chickens that had just been pecking on the sliding glass door at me to feed them running away as I got closer to take thier picture. Little chickens, lol!!!! Ho ho ho, I am such a card!!! These hens have rousted me off the computer today by pecking on my sliding glass door. Having fed them, watered them and collected thier eggs I feel complete and whole, lol.

Yes, I need to get a life. Oh, wait, we'll be getting a lot more of these little things in the coming months. little yellow puff balls headed for some good eating when they have been grown to the desired weight. They have a good life here, allowed to roam and eat bugs, grasses and lots of corn. This year we won't be taking care of that chore all on our own. We are going to raise them and then sell them at a farmer's auction.

This whole experience has resulted in a daughter that will no longer eat chicken. Ok, we have other sources of animal protein available. Wonder if she will still eat hamburgers when she sees the steer we want to get wandering through our fields? Well, I guess then she won't have the propensity towards heart disease that prevails in my family due to horrible eating habits laden with animal fats left and right. I guess that's good huh?

Thursday, March 15, 2001

Oh, by the way, if you are reading this do me a favor and click on my link to the left! pretty please? lol

I get paid for so many clicks, I forget how much to be honest but I'm greedy so I'm begging, lol!

My world according to me This is a friend of mine's blog. I really love the background she chose. Cool! She has a crazy potato eating kitty too. I hope she sees this and posts my favorite picture of her kitty on her blog.

I need to have more quiet time. I can't wait until I get a break from driving all over kingdom come and back in a few weeks. Hey, if anyone knows how to put one of them there feedback thingies on here can they email me at PUH-LEEEEZEEEE???

Tuesday, March 13, 2001

You can leave comments to me here. I'll still be blogging here but like having more than one place to ramble.