Thursday, August 22, 2002

I had an horrible dream last night, I dreamt that we were sitting on a lawn in Massachusetts and to the left of us I could see a tiger walking down a path behind some shrubs. Ernie and I freaked out and were telling the kids,'lie down, lie down flat', but Chase wouldn't listen and instead freaked out and started flapping and screaming so the tiger came and took a big swipe at him with his paws. The next thing I know is that I'm being told that I have to put Chase out of his misery with a big kitchen knife through his heart. I was screaming and crying no no no and got forced to do it, then Ernie woke me up a bit because I was crying and kicking in my sleep, but I went back to sleep and in the dream I was hugging Chase and looking at him and each time I hugged him and then looked at him his wounds were smaller, until he only had a little cut on his tummy that I could put a bandaid on and he was ok. We were all hugging him and smiling and happy because he was ok, then it turned out that he wasn't really hurt at all but it was my truck that got clawed by the tiger and we had run it over. I remember putting a tattoo bandaid on my truck.

What a fucking nightmare!!!!!

Tuesday, August 20, 2002

Weasle3's blog Sunday, August 12, 2001
You have to wonder what part that the powers beyond us play sometimes....
To me it seems that the devil takes the weak and whispers in thier ears , it's the ugly unexplainable things that make me believe that. When I think of it I say a little prayer that someone that is feeling overwhelmed will be protected by God's grace if just for that moment of time...and so I say that prayer now.