Thursday, July 26, 2001

Mom's 40! Mom's 40!
I really love the background on this blog, she tells a good story while she's at it! Thanks for visiting MY blog! You're the best!

Today while I was picking up my son's from the school summer program I noticed that the swallow nests that had been in the eaves of the overhang on the front of the school were knocked down and there was a crew sweeping up the remains. Come to find out that there were some kids there the night before throwing big rocks at the nests that had baby swallows in them yet. Unsupervised no doubt, destroying life with little or no respect at all for it. What is wrong with this picture? I know that parents need 'down time'. Trust me, I'm the first to squeal when my kids get to be too much at times, but to let them loose to wreck havoc on little defenseless bird nests, well, that is wrong. I know that the parents in all likelyhood didn't say, "Now Johnny, go and destroy those swallow nests like a good boy!". But what I hear from parents I know personally is "I'm just soooo busy!!"
Let me tell you this.....If you become too busy to take the time to make sure that your children are properly supervised instead of out doing God-knows-what then you have to know that your priorities are in the wrong place. Don't end up as a parent of a teenager shaking your head saying "I just don't know what went wrong" Here's a freaking clue, Johnny didn't have anyone to teach him right from wrong, it's not an innate reflex kids are born with!!

Take your ME time when your kids are asleep or arrange with your friends either from your neighborhood, church or even work to have a babysitting co-op. And NO, I don't think that a child of 14 is too old to insist on close supervision. That is when they are MOST likely to get into serious trouble with many things, Sex, drugs and violence. Do you want that for your child? I know I don't.


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