Tuesday, July 24, 2001

How about a nice tall glass of SHUT THE HELL UP?
This is the kind of day I have had. I had to take my fil to 2 appts. today, ok, so that's no biggie. But when I have to take my 3 kids with me cause I have no family that will or can watch them it sucks! So much fun to be in the neurologist's office with an 81 year old getting pissed at kids (mine) that won't sit down like I'm nicely asking them. Then he starts raising his voice saying that if they had been his kids they wouldn't be acting like that. He would have made it so they didn't!!! So I say, 'oh really? And how would you have done that...?' He says 'I'd take care of it!' me says, 'By doing what?' He says, "Well, you can just ask Ernie, he's MY son you know!!!"
GOD, I hate the downhill progression of his Alzheimers. I haven't been leaving him with the kids alone at all in the last couple months, I can't, I don't trust that he won't do something wierd to them. I'll just keep reminding myself that there is being tolerant and there is being a doormat, I will no longer be the latter!


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