Sunday, April 15, 2001

Weasle3's blog These search terms have been highlighted: blow pig

I find it to be pretty funny that someone used the key words "blow pig" to come up with my blog on a google search, lol! Hope they enjoyed a ride on the weasle rollercoaster!

We had a great Easter here, the service at church was incredible! Haven't had such a moving experience in years I think. The Interim Pastor we now have is doing such a great job picking up the pieces that the last full time pastor we had burped all over the podium. Now that I see this pastor preach, it becomes so evident to me what a duffus the last pastor was. Sad to say! I am looking forward the remainder of his six month contract with much happiness. So much wonderful feedback and comments regarding personal spiritual growth since he has been with our congregation. Really, truly warms my heart!!


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